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Energy Capital: Building an attractive Stavanger Region for creating opportunities for young professionals and the student community

Friday 18 August 2023 12:00-14:00, Universitetsbiblioteket, Campus Ullandhaug. Curious about what is the engagement of the next generation of politicians for students and young professionals in Stavanger. Then this event is definitely for you!.

STOR is excited to host a political panel debate at the UiS library. This event aims to foster a collaborative dialogue, as we all work together to create a city that not only supports its status as an energy capital but also caters to the needs of the dynamic student and young population.


12:00 Opening

12:10 Showcasing student opportunities

12:30 Debate

13:30 Closing

Keynote speakers:

Svein Tuastad, UiS political expert
Jamila Mendoza, Stavanger Arbeiderparti #71 kommunestyrekandidat
Øyvind Engan, VG
Jonas Molde, Stavanger Høyre #3 kommunestyrekandidat
Joakim Ramsland, Leder for StOr

Don't miss this unique opportunity to be part of the conversation and make a meaningful impact on the future of Stavanger.

Event language: English