Tuesday 16. Jan 11:00 – 13:00
Lyspæren innovasjonshus
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Information meeting with Innovation Norway and Botanist
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16. On January 1 at 12:00 we will have a visit from Innovation Norway to talk about the grant scheme for Student Entrepreneurship (STUD-ENT). STUD-ENT is a support scheme that is awarded to student startups once a year. You can apply for up to NOK 1 million to further develop your idea.
The target group for the scheme is students at Norwegian universities and colleges who have ambitions to start their own company based on the knowledge they have acquired through their studies.
The deadline for submitting an application is 29 February 2024.
Former STUD-ENT winner Jonathan Eide who is the CEO and founder of Botanist comes to talk about his experiences of starting his own business and the application process for STUD-ENT.