Café Optimisten
Café Optimisten
Café Optimisten serves hot food every day. Check out today's menu and our opening hours here.
Go to Café OptimistenGo to Café OptimistenSentralen
Arne Rettedals hus
Arne Rettedals hus
Go to Café SentralenGo to Café SentralenBokkaféen
SiS studenthus
SiS studenthus
Go to BokkaféenGo to BokkaféenEntusiasten
Kjell Arholms hus
Kjell Arholms hus
Go to Café EntusiastenGo to Café EntusiastenHumanisten
Hulda Garborgs hus
Hulda Garborgs hus
Go to Café HumanistenGo to Café HumanistenCafé Campus VID Stavanger
Misjonsmarka 12, Stavanger
Misjonsmarka 12, Stavanger
Go to Café CampusGo to Café CampusMusikanten
Go to Café MusikantenGo to Café MusikantenCatering
Do you want to order food from us? Here is all you need to know about our catering offer.
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