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Anne Beate Hole will teach us to braid 2 baskets with a handle. The techniques will be sprouting and side braiding. We also learn to lay edges and to put on a handle. Anne Beate is a board member in our team and runs a learning workshop on Tuesday afternoons, this spring with a Viborg shirt and now with various housework traditions. Many people probably remember when she showed us spare felt and self-made fabric at the members' meeting last year.

TIME Saturday 2 November and Sunday 3 November. Both days at 10-14.00
PLACE ​ Svithun husflidslag premises in Nedre Lagårdsvei 2. We will be in the living room.
PRICE NOK 700 for members. NOK 900 if you are not a member of Norges Husflidslag. Students NOK 400. Material costs are additional, approx. NOK 200 - 400
REGISTRATION AND PAYMENT A deposit of NOK is paid. 250 to vipps no. 127714, Svithun husflidslag, upon registration (the deposit is not refunded). The remaining amount is paid no later than one week before the start of the course. Mark the registration with your name and Pilflettekurs. Also send an email with your name and mobile number to so that we have an overview of who has signed up.
QUESTIONS Contact Anne Beate at by mobile 95208182
EQUIPMENT You must bring a shoe box and 2 jam jars (height 8-12 cm and diameter 6-8 cm). If you have, bring rose scissors etc. nippers, nail knife and awl. If not, you can borrow.
​ Bring a packed lunch, we will arrange coffee and tea.​