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This will be a beautiful evening with music in dialogue between the cathedral's main organ and the organetto in the church. Pieter Dirksen represents the historical connection with the Netherlands, where the cathedral's first organ, built by Albert Kiespenning, came from. He will play music by the great Baroque masters Franz Tunder, Dietrich Buxtehude, and Johann Sebastian Bach. These three composers were significant figures in their time and are connected, with Buxtehude succeeding Tunder and inspiring the young Bach during his study stay with him in Lübeck. In contrast to this grand North German organ music, we will hear comments from Catalina Vicens in the church space, with music from the small handheld but expressive medieval portative organ.

- Catalina Vicens, Chile/Italy/Belgium, organetto (1)
- Pieter Dirksen, Netherlands, organ (2)

Catalina Vicens: Kurt Van der Elst
Pieter Dirksen: Arno voor de Poorte