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Passing Portrait av Viljar Irtun Moe

NB: This event is not organized by SiSNB: This event is not organized by SiSBookingContact event organizer

Passing Portrait is a solo dance performance that sharply examines gender, the body, and misconceptions about "passing." To be a cis-passing male body means being recognized as a man by others without further questioning.

The performance explores the concept of the "acceptable" trans body — a body that is young enough, adult enough, large enough, attractive enough, white enough, intact enough, and masculine enough. It’s about the "passing" body that doesn’t challenge norms of masculinity or femininity and doesn’t raise doubt about a person’s gender identity.

In recent years, trans bodies have become a topic of discussion. They are debated as political issues, medical diagnoses, or moral dilemmas. Passing Portrait seeks to create space for the humanization of the trans body.

Through this, the performance questions who makes the rules, who conforms to them, and who sustains them.

Co-production: TOU and RAS (Regional Arena for Contemporary Dance)

Supported by: Norsk Kulturråd, Rogaland Fylkeskommune, Stavanger Kommune, BIRCA Bornholm, Q&A Studios Aarhus, Velferden scene for samtidskunst.