After success on the square in Stavanger in 2022, it will be done again. This time at Tou, with recycling, catwalk, sales table, jugglers and entertainment.
The aim is to create a meeting point for everyone with a focus on sustainability, repair and reuse. Simply a greener everyday life.
There will be good music and dancing, adventure time and a teddy bear doctor, information and political talks. The children can also contribute to the flea market on their allocated carpet. There they can sell what they no longer need, so that others can enjoy it.
Set aside Saturday 4 May at 12.00 - 17.00 already now. This will be fun - spread the word.
If you want to have a stand - the application deadline has expired!
The event is a collaboration with BKA, Fretex, StUF, XR-Nord-Jæren and the Naturvernforbundet in Rogaland.
The event is supported by Inge Steenslands Stiftelse, Rogaland Fylkeskommune and Stavanger Kommune.