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Vast amounts of data is the fuel which eneables AI models like ChatGPT. But where does the data come from, and who owns it? And who owns the data that is beeing output by these AI models? These, among other questions will be explored in this panel discussion where we will seek to gain insight from experts on the topic.

The panel:
James Goldwater, Software Manager at Cegal
Lana Bubalo, Associate Professor in jurisprudence at UiS
Alvaro Fernandez Quilez, Associate Professor in AI at UiS
The discussion will be led by Daniel Cau Varming from Stavanger AI Lab

Why you cant miss out:
Expert Knowledge: Engage with leading minds in the field and explore the ethical, legal, and technical aspects of AI data ownership.
Beginner-Friendly: Designed especiallay for those with little to basic knowledge about AI.
Networking Opportunity: Meet like-minded peers and professionals passionate about AI and technology. Who knows? This might be where your next big opportunity knocks.

Free food & drinks, first come first served

The event will be spoken in English