The award-winning filmmaker Deeyah Khan is known for meeting extremists with honesty and dialogue. She has interviewed both Islamists and far-right extremists in an effort to understand the origins of their hatred. We will screen the film White Right: Meeting the Enemy and speak with Khan about why her approach is so vital in an increasingly polarized world.
White Right: Meeting the Enemy is a 2017 documentary where we meet far-right extremists in the USA. Several of the main subjects in the film left their extremist groups after their conversations with Khan.
Deeyah Khan is a film director, human rights activist, editor, music producer, and singer. She grew up in Oslo but later moved to London after enduring persistent harassment in Norway. Since 2016, Khan has served as a UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador for Artistic Freedom and Creativity.
This event is part of the Tøff Tids Tale series, organized in collaboration with the University of Stavanger and the Church of Norway. Stavanger as a City of Free Expression is a Stavanger 2025 project.