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Main sponsors:

UiS (Universitetet i Stavanger)

VT (Velferdstinget Stavanger)

SiS (Studentsamskipnaden i Stavanger)

Secondary sponsors:

Stavanger kommune

Hedvig (ensurance)

LO Student



Kolumbusmakes sure that all the new students that participates gets a completely free week ticket with their public transport service.

VID, BISO Stavanger, Kunstskolen i Stavangerand Noroff Stavangerfinancially ensure that all students can participate in the program that Fadder UiS has invited to. Because of this the fadderweek will be big for everyone and the students can gather across :) Fadder UiS is responsible for the main part of the financial,thanks to all the support, where especially VTand SiShave emphasized the collaboration.

Tappetårnetis responsible for serving beverages in the festival area.

Fadder UiS is part of StOr(The Student Organization at UiS - StOr).