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Explore the Opportunities the Stavanger Region Has to Offer!

The opportunities are many, and there’s so much you can get involved in while you’re a student. Meet over 50 organizations, companies, and student organizations from the region (see the full list at the bottom of the page). Rumor has it that they’ve brought lots of fun and goodies for the students.

Program for the Day:

12:00: Doors open.

13:30: On stage: Musical performance by artist Emilie Eie; Welcome speech; Panel discussion with Espen Knoph from Utopia, Helene Gram from the "Hei student" project, Kristina Renberg from SIS, and artist Izabell.

15:00: On stage: Musical performance by artist Pasco Laiine & Michael Holm from Fiskepiren shares insights on creating opportunities for oneself. Prize giveaway where everyone has a chance to win.

Get to know the student community in Stavanger better and discover what Stavanger has to offer you. Here, you can find your student organization and make valuable connections for jobs and internships. Throughout the event, we’ll have DJ Sarah Michelle to create a great atmosphere in the venue.

At the end of the event, there will be a raffle among the participants. There are eight chances to win!!! Each winner will receive a gift card for a large American pizza at Egon Stavanger. You must be present during the prize draw to win.

Follow the exciting panel discussion with Espen Knoph from Utopia, Helene Gram from the "Hei student" project and Stavanger municipality, Kristina Renberg from SIS, and artist Izabell. They will debate the opportunities in the Stavanger region and what the region needs going forward.

Be inspired by Michael Holm as he shares his experiences and tips on creating opportunities for oneself. Michael studied at the School of Hotel Management, has been the general manager at several hotels, and is currently the general manager at Fiskepiren.

This is your chance to build valuable networks, create your own opportunities, and find inspiration!

Meet these following organizations and businesses:
Atea, Blue Cross Norway, ECIU, Equinor, Fishbones, Follies teater, Helse Vest, Hiimsmoenstiftelsen, Jernaldergården, Jæder, Jærmuseet, Kirkens SOS, Kreftforeningen, LO, Museum i Stavanger (MUST), NIMA, Norsk Bolig- og Byplanforening (BOBY), NOS technology, Petroleum museum, ONS Young, PacuraMed, PwC, Spire, Stavanger Aftenblad, Stavanger Impro, Roller Derby Klubb, Stendi, Tallships Race 2026, Tou scene, TV Vest, Vår Energi.

Meet these student organizations:
Børsklubben UIS, Econa UiS, Ex Libris, Film og Spill Studentorganisasjon, Film og Spill Studentorganisasjon, ION Racing UIS, Lærerstudentene UiS med Utdanningsforbundet, Mauka Makai, NITO, Parasjuk, SAIH Stavanger, Stavanger Studentsangforening, Studentkapitalen, Tekna, TekNat Listen, UiS Aerospace, UiS Elektronikklubb, UiS Karriereveiledning, UiS Idrett, UiS Subsea.