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Last updated: 18.06.2024 14:55

The Fadderfestival 2022 – get to know your new fellow students and experience everything Stavanger has to offer!

The Fadderfestival 2022 – get to know your new fellow students and experience everything Stavanger has to offer!

Important information

Important information

For who?

The Fadderfestival in Stavanger is a week for every new student

This year’s festival ticket

The tickets to the Fadderfestival comes in the shape of a T-shirt :)

Our own Fadderlandsby (Festival Area)

This year’s festival area will be the biggest one yet!

This year’s partners

The Fadderfestival would not have been the same without our fantastic partners :)

This year's values

The most important thing for us this year is that the Fadderfestival 2022 will be safe and inclusive for everyone. This is why we have the most diverse program ever. While previous Fadderfestivals in Stavanger have had a maximum of 70 events in their program, this year we have over 245! So that’s a clear record. We hope that everyone will be able to find something they wish to participate on :)

The theme for the festival is colorsplash to represent diversity and that there is room for everyone at our festival :) And also because it's fun with colors! It will be present throughout the festival, for instance with a colorful water slide, colorful themes in Fadderlandsbyen (The Festival Area), etc.!

We also have a focus on sustainability, and all festival tickets for the new students at UiS are delivered to you in collaboration with D2 Merch in the form of white Second Hand T-shirts or T-shirts that would otherwise have been thrown away. As a new student, you get the opportunity to customize the T-shirts as you wish, as part of the theme colorsplash! Read more here.

Sign up, enjoy clicking through the program, mark week 33 in your calendar and count down every nano second with us!



This year's fadderboard at UiS